Wednesday, November 2

Busy time of year

This time of year- late October/early November has been pretty eventful for Johnny & I the past few years.

2007: We were smack dab in the middle of infertility testing.  We were doing ultrasounds, blood work, and the HSG.  (Uggh)

2008: We found out we were pregnant from our 3rd IUI cycle only to have it end in miscarriage in early November.

2009: We were celebrating Colby's first Halloween in the NICU, I was still dealing with the loss of Connor (and still am),  and we were able to welcome Colby home days later.

2010: We were celebrating our newest pregnancy , celebrating Colby's one-year-home-iversary, and awaiting the ultrasound that would reveal twins: round 2.

2011: Finally things seem to be settling down a bit in life.  :)  But it's pretty great.

1 comment:

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

And what will 2012 bring for you? I am DYING for you to write about your thoughts for expanding your family. I know you said it would be soon. I cant stop thinking about how long itll take after this little boy arrives.