Wednesday, April 22

Vacation Week...

It's vacation week here in Massachusetts.  I still have my grad classes to work on, but my regular school is on vacation and my kiddies are out enjoying their time at various locales throughout the United States.  I thought this week would end pretty boring, but I am enjoying it.  And dreading next week when I have to wake up at a normal hour every day.  :)  

Yesterday I got to see a few of my friends I hadn't seen in awhile.  

M used to teach with me, but then got a new job closer to her house (she used to commute over an hour every day).  We caught up in the afternoon to update each other on our lives.  I had already told her about the twins, but she was my support of sorts when all this started.  She was a bit further along in the IF stuff than me, but she's been there every step of the way.  She had her first failed IVF in Dec of 07, took a break and then just had another failed IVF in Feb of this year.  I found out that she just had 3 "snowflake babies" (frozen embryos) transfered on Friday.  So, of course, I am hoping and crossing and all that good stuff for her.  So, it was nice to see her, but I hoping that the next time I see her she will be glowing.  :)

I also saw S who I hadn't seen in who knows how long.  We've kind of lost touch, but I don't really mind it.  We're in two totally different places in our lives and just generally not the same as we used to be back in 6th grade.  Either way, it was nice in some ways to get together and catch up.  She's getting married in 2010, so she was asking for advice and talking about plans.  She also asked me to be in her wedding party.  So I guess I know where I will be on June 5th, 2010.  :)  

Tonight we're meeting with some people about the house.  Not exactly sure what about... I just do what I'm told.  :)

Tomorrow AM I have an appointment (yay!) so hopefully I'll get to see the babies!  :)  Then later I'm meeting up with another friend, N, who I haven't seen in awhile.  (Notice a pattern about me seeing people?)  Then I don't really know what.  My mom wants me to come down again so we can go clothes shopping again- she doesn't think I got enough so she wants to shop some more.  Only problem is that we don't know where to go.  There's really not much out there.  I guess I'll just have to look online some more.  

But that's that.  I am just eagerly anticipating tomorrow's appointment.  I hope, hope, HOPE I get an ultrasound.  I need to see the little guys.  (girls? guy and girl?)


Ashley said...

Sounds like fun...I LOVE being off..especially sleeping late;)

ashley said...

Well, how did the appointment go yesterday???? Hope all is well!!

svallely said...

How did it go?