Wednesday, April 29


First and foremost, we had an appointment with the High Risk Doctor yesterday. The babies look like BABIES. I loved it. We could see leg bones and arm bones and even the different hemispheres of the brain. It was amazing. Both babies were measuring a bit ahead. I was 15w3d and both were measuring in the 16w2d-16w4d range for each of the measurements. Nice heartbeats... just perfect. So... as we're having the ultrasound, the nurse asked if we wanted to know the genders. I said yes, and she said she had a pretty good idea right then. She had to wiggled Baby B around a bit, but in the end she was pretty postive about Baby A and mostly-positive about Baby B (yes, I know it's a little early to know so I'm leaving the possibilty of misinformation out there). Anyways, the results? Flavors or colors or whatever you want to refer to it as?

Looks like in October we will be the proud parents of... not 1, but 2 baby

... BOYS!

And before you ask, yes, we caught the painters before we found ourselves in a pink bedroom situation.

I'm shocked still. We both thought for sure that we were having AT LEAST 1 girl. We were fairly certain that it was 2 actually. Just a feeling. But, alas, my feelings were off. (I hope this doesn't indicate my future "mother's intuition"!)

So, to clarify... I'm shocked, but still thrilled. I'm still so excited to see these little guys in October! :)

Other than that, I don't have much. :) Still exhuasted, but feeling good.


Ashley said...

So excited for you honey!! I would LOVE twin they could take care of future sisters of course;) ((HUGS))

Infertility is Hard said...

Congrats! :-D I'm sure you would have been happy with any healthy babies, and how wonderful that you know so early. I'm so happy that your pregnancy is going well. :-D

juliane2004 said...

Yay!!! Congrats :)

That's so cool you're measuring almost a week ahead :) That's awesome. :)

ashley said...

Whooo, those boys are big already! Congrats!!!

Sarah said...

Congrats on your SONS! Boys are so much fun!

Morrisa said...

Congrats! Little boys are the BEST!