Sunday, September 28


So I am freaking myself out right now. As I've mentioned, I was accepted into the UMass Lowell Reading and Language program for Spring of 2009. I do not yet know how much financial aid I might receive. So I had lunch with my parents today and my mom mentioned looking into Grad classes at BU again-- that's where I got my undergrad-- because they might provide more financial aid because they're a private institution and because I graduated so well while I was there. So now she got me to thinking how much I would LOVE to go back. I looked onto the MA DOE website because I got my teaching license in 2006. So it should expire in 2011-- 3 years from this past August. That's not much time to get my masters. But if I'm employed for 5 years with my Initial License, then I'm eligible for a 5 year extension on my Masters requirement. So basically I'm freaking out because don't know what to do or what I want to do. Ahhhhh.

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